A case study on raised intersection platform on urban arterial un-signalised intersection, South Australia
Keywords: (ITS - roads) Intelligent Transport Systems in Road Infrastructure, Intersections and Roundabouts, Road Safety Strategy, Road Environment
Submission Date: 2019
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia, has committed to trial raised intersection platform at metropolitan intersections as a part of demonstration project. The objective of the treatment was to reduce the occurrence of vehicles side impacting (right angle and right turn crashes) cyclist or pedestrian at intersections and also to reduce the severity outcomes in the event of crash occurred. The solution implemented is the first of its kind on an arterial road in South Australia. This study involved before and after comparison of data collected such as speed, traffic, and casualty crashes at treated sites after platform was installed. Speed data analysis shows that the project was successful in dropping speed of through traffic at intersection. Average mean speed was dropped from 37.2 km/h to 26.6 km/h and 85th percentile speed was dropped from 47.9 km/h to 34.0 km/h. Overall casualty crash rate was dropped by 58% and no vehicle-cyclist crash was observed since its installation.