An analysis of run off road crashes
Keywords: Crashes - Analysis
Submission Date: 2011
Run off road-non collision type crashes form a very significant subset of fatal and serious injury road traffic crashes in WA. Typically, they form more than 50% of fatal road traffic crashes. Understanding the key factors in this crash type has the potential to provide pathways for impacting on the road toll in a significant way. The research utilises a number of WA Police datasets and sources to analyse the characteristics of the crash and driver. Data studied includes characteristics of the crash and driver such as; crash cause, location, road topography, time of day and day of week, gender, age, licence status, traffic history, and criminal history. Run off road type crashes typically are considered problematic from a traffic enforcement perspective. This research will identify a number of road user behaviours that may respond to traffic enforcement and a number of behaviours which are more appropriately addressed through educative strategies. (Note: This paper is in process, an updated abstract with more result detail will be supplied at the time of paper submission)