Crash and Stop road safety project
Keywords: Enforcement & Penalties
Submission Date: 2005
The purpose of this paper is to document the rationale behind a program that provides drivers with the information required to exchange details after a collision. The program aims to reduce the incidence of driver leave scene collisions in the Bankstown Local Government Area. The Bankstown Local Government Area leads New South Wales in numbers of accidents where drivers fail to stop and exchange details after a collision.
To address this problem, Bankstown City Council has developed the “Crash and Stop Road Safety Project” with the assistance of the Traffic Services Branch of the Local Area Command at Bankstown Police Station. The project has produced an information card resource designed to be effective in reducing the incidents of driver leave scene collisions.
During the past three years, Bankstown City Council and the Local Police have worked closely together to coordinate Road Safety projects for the Bankstown Local Government Area. This has involved a range of issues being targeted such as speeding, alcohol, seatbelts and helmet wearing.