Dementia and driving: Guide to mobility for health professionals, carers, families, friends and people with dementia.
Keywords: Communication
Submission Date: 2013
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The decision to cease or limit driving can be challenging for people with dementia, their families and carers due to limitations on independence and access to services. Balancing safety considerations with independence and mobility can also be difficult. To address these issues, RACV commissioned research to generate a better understanding of the mobility concerns affecting the increasing number of people with dementia. RACV commissioned research in 2011-12 to examine the road safety and mobility issues facing people with dementia. The research report recommended the development of a comprehensive guide on the mobility services and information sources available to health professionals, carers, families, friends and people with dementia as these people are not always aware of the information that is available or where it can be obtained. To address this, RACV developed the Dementia, Driving and Mobility guide. Consultation and feedback was received from health professionals; road safety and mobility experts; people with dementia and their carers. The guide provides strategy options surrounding issues related to dementia and driving and describes what other mobility options and services exist for people who can no longer drive. The official launch of the guide was held to promote the guide amongst those who have an interest in road safety and dementia. The brochure has been widely distributed by RACV, health professionals and other stakeholders with an interest in dementia and driving. Additional information on dementia, driving and mobility is also available on the RACV website.