Development of a community based Aboriginal driver licensing service: the AstraZeneca Young Health Programme
Keywords: Aboriginal / Community
Submission Date: 2012 Conference: ACRS
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Aboriginal people have higher rates of road related injury and death in comparison to other road users. Most recent data drawn from 2003-2004 to 2007-2008 show that Aboriginal Australians have 2.7 times more land transport fatalities and 20% more transport related serious injury cases compared to the general population, with particularly high rates for car passengers and pedestrians (Henley 2010). Aboriginal people also face substantial barriers to driver licensing, potentially limiting their access to employment, education and health services (Elliott and Shanahan 2008, Helps 2008, Ivers 2011). Regulatory driving offences, including licensing offences, are significant contributors to custodial sentences for Aboriginal people (ABS 2010, Law Reform Commission of WA 2005). Several reports have highlighted the significant barriers that Aboriginal people face regarding driver licensing (Elliott and Shanahan 2008, Helps 2008, Ivers 2011).