Is the West Australian Towards Zero strategy relevant for vulnerable road users?
Keywords: Pedestrians & non Drivers
Submission Date: 2011
Is the West Australian Towards Zero strategy relevant for vulnerable road users? The paper will explore the relationship between the safe system cornerstones (safe vehicles, speeds, roads and people) and the problem associated with vulnerable road users in a car-dominated traffic environment. The basis will be the West Australian Towards Zero strategy and the safety perceptions of cyclists when they use roads. The paper will then discuss three measures that would increase safety for the older people, children, people using gopher cars and people using bicycles when they need to use public roads. The measures are: – A legislated passing distance of one metre when a car passes a cyclist – A substantial speed reduction on designated roads – Better education for road users A comparison of road environments in jurisdictions that have a high participation of commuting cyclists and Perth will lead to suggestions of what could be done in Perth. The paper will suggest that with a safer road environment more people would use a bicycle instead of a car to travel to work, shops, schools and train stations. This could ease congestion on the roads, reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured, and lead to a healthier population.