Licensed Premises Identification System
Keywords: Drink/Drug Driving
Submission Date: 2000
Victoria has a highly successful alcohol impaired driver enforcement program. To enhance the program a computer database has been developed which is known as the Licensed Premises Identification System (LPIS), where details of every evidential breath test conducted in the State of Victoria is recorded. The data base was designed to provide information on Licensed Premises were drink drivers have been drinking but it soon became evident that the system provided other valuable information.
The system is able to provide a print out of the names and addresses of all Licensed Premises from which drink drivers have been apprehended. Police use this information to draft strategies to reduce drink driving from the identified premises.
As well as providing information on Licensed Premises, LPIS has also provided police with information about the profile of a drink driver. This information includes age, sex and occupation as well as other information such as the type of alcohol consumed.
Details of drink driving prior convictions are also recorded on the system and valuable information is now available on recidivism.