Keywords: Motorcyclists
Submission Date: 2010
Motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable road users. For motorcyclists in Victoria, the likelihood of serious injury or death in a crash is 34 times higher than for the occupants of a car. Although a combination of factors are generally at play in any crash, the engineering of the road surface and environment can have a significant impact on both the possibility of avoiding a crash and on the severity of injury to a motorcyclist should a crash occur. To address this issue, VicRoads commissioned a review of engineering maintenance standards, which then informed the development of a communications strategy—Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly. This paper provides an overview of Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly, a Victorian Motorcycle Advisory Council endorsed project, funded by the Motorcycle Safety Levy and delivered by VicRoads. It will explore content, delivery and the evaluation of this world first technical training package.
Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly is a two hour seminar designed to raise awareness of the vulnerability of motorcyclists in terms of the road environment and highlight how road design/construction and maintenance/reinstatement works can be performed in ways which improve safety for motorcyclists. The seminars target all those involved in road design/construction and maintenance/reinstatement, including engineers, managers and field staff from VicRoads, local government, contractors and utility providers.