Market segmentation of cyclists – understanding attitudes toward safety.
Keywords: Cycling
Submission Date: 2011 Conference: ACRS
Cyclists are among the most vulnerable road users. Between 2006 and 2010 an average of 457 cyclists were seriously or fatally injured in Victoria each year. To address their vulnerability, VicRoads commissioned a research project on market segmentation of cyclists in Victoria, to inform the development of a communications strategy to cyclists and other road users to look out for each other. The project is consistent with the safe system category – safe road use, aiming to encourage safer use of the roads by cyclists, and by other road users when interacting with cyclists.
Stage 1 identified segments through qualitative and quantitative research. Stage 2 was qualitative research involving focus groups with cyclists, in depth interviews with cycling organisations and ethnographies to identify messages, tone and communication channels/methods for each segment to influence safer cycling.
Stage 1 identified three segments who differed by frequency of cycling, their motivations for cycling, how they cycled and their attitudes toward safety. Stage 2 results gave an indication of the type and tone of messaging as well as how to communicate these to cyclists.
The paper will address in detail the key considerations for the three different segments which will be used to develop and implement a safe cycling campaign.