Outsourced Enforcement Programs: insights and lessons learned from an experienced enforcement services provider
Keywords: Enforcement
Submission Date: 2011
OUTSOURCED ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMS – insights and lessons learned from an experienced enforcement services provider. The world in which we function has changed dramatically as technology enables processes to become more automated. The advancement in photo enforcement technology is one such example of this change. The original wet film camera systems have been superseded by sophisticated non- intrusive digital enforcement systems. Advancement in wifi technology, and the evolution of the paperless office have contributed to the development of sophisticated enterprise back office systems that have enabled photo enforcement to become a truly automated process. This presentation discusses how automated enforcement programs have evolved to their current structure, and how such a program can operate in an outsourced Build, Own, Operate, Maintain (BOOM) model. This presentation will detail the benefits that outsourced enforcement programs can provide for those government organisations/agencies that chose this model, and how outsourced models can be maximised to reduce road fatalities and injuries through changes in driver behaviour. The presentation will incorporate a case study of current large scale outsourced enforcement programs, operating in the United States of America and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, that are successfully reducing accident and fatality rates. A leading outsourced enforcement program provider will delve into the lessons that they have learned in establishing these programs, and the solutions to the problems encountered along the way. Those interested in automated and outsourced enforcement will find this unique industry insight beneficial.