Rapid deployment of Intelligent Speed Adaptation in New South Wales via a smart phone application
Keywords: General
Submission Date: 2015 Conference: ARSC
Speeding is a contributing factor in around 40% of all fatal crashes in New South Wales. Australian road safety research suggests that Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) technology has the potential to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes by around 19%. Last year the European Transport Safety Council released the results of a comprehensive assessment of eight different driver support technologies that showed that Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) would save the most lives in Europe. In February 2014, Transport for NSW released its own smart phone ISA application, Speed Adviser. This makes NSW the first jurisdiction in the world to provide ISA technology free of charge to its drivers and riders. Over 80,000 downloads of Speed Adviser have been recorded since the application became available, which makes this one of the most rapidly deployed road safety technology countermeasures in history. Speed Adviser is an early indication of the potential benefit of smart phone based road safety countermeasures.