Re:act – Swinburne students challenged by businesses to create behavioural change in their peers around truck safety
Keywords: Heavy Vehicles - Trucks, Buses, Hazardous Materials, Safer Mobility, Education – general and other, Young Drivers
Submission Date: 2018 Conference: ARSC
Re:act is an annual behavioural change project that aims to make 18-25 year olds consider their actions by increasing awareness of the dangers they may face on the roads. This year’s Re:act project challenges final year Swinburne University Communication Design students to create a campaign to change behaviour in their peers around safe interactions of young road users with trucks. The winning campaign is chosen by Re:act partners and rolled out on Swinburne campus during ’O-Week’. This paper explores the Re:act process, results and the types of messaging students identify to achieve cut-through with their peers.