Reducing distracted driving behavior among university students: the effectiveness of an empowerment-based intervention in Cambodia and Vietnam
Keywords: Distracted Driving, Road Safety in Developing Countries, Road User Training – General (Bicyclists, Workplace, OHS, Etc.), Novice Driver/Rider Licensing, Policy Development and Implementation
Submission Date: 2019
Distracted driving is a common risky behavior associated with young motorcycle drivers in Cambodia and Vietnam. This abstract aims to explore the impact of the Safety Delivered program, using an empowerment-based intervention for university students to reduce distracted driving behavior. AIP Foundation launched Safety Delivered, with support from The UPS Foundation, in 4 universities in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), 4 universities in Hanoi and 6 universities in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). The program used multi-faceted trainings, peer-to-peer education, and awareness raising activities. These interventions were successful, leading to substantial improvements in student knowledge, attitudes and behavior at target sites.