Standing out from the crowd – an educational tool.
Keywords: Education
Submission Date: 2002
The City of Casey’s Road Safety Officer and Community Safety Officer are frequently found on weekends staffing information displays at community events promoting various safety messages. Standing out from the other exhibitors requires creativity. The arts can be successfully utilised to address Community Safety, and foster community ownership of crime and injury prevention.
During the past 18 months, Caseyville – The Community Safety Game, has evolved into its current, 5 metre by 5 metre, giant game format that participants literally play on and over, with giant dice, question cards and physical challenges to engage them. It is an education resource, intended for use at a variety of events – both indoor and outdoor – for a variety of age groups and target audiences, including educational environments. The combined resources – finances, creativity, knowledge, networks and energy – of the Road Safety Officer and Community Safety Officer, have made this ambitious project a reality.
Caseyville – The Community Safety Game provides an educational opportunity for communicating with cross sections of the community – children, families, the elderly and to businesses and community planners. It creates an enjoyable learning activity that is a ‘draw card’ complementing relevant static display material, and providing a means of engaging the community in road and community safety issues.