Star safety ratings drive improvements on risky roads.
Keywords: General
Submission Date: 2014 Journal
BHP Billiton has a strong global focus on safety, with the company taking a Safe Systems approach to safety across its operations. For example, insisting on five-star safetyrated new vehicles promotes safe vehicle use and investing
in safer roads and roadsides reduces injuries and fatalities.
Many of BHP Billiton’s operations are based in rural, regional and remote Australia. As such, employees travelling to and from work along minor roads are one of the safety risks the company faces.
This case study focuses on the work by BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) to help mitigate the risk at the HPX3 Project in central Queensland. The Project has worked together with the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) to examine road safety risks and dangers on the road that leads to the Port of Hay Point and the Project has committed $17 million to help minimise one of the safety risks to employees. The road assessment demonstrated that one of the highest risks to employees was simply getting to and from work.