Targeting Travel Speeds in the City of Stirling – A Holistic Approach
Keywords: Speed - Travel Speeds
Submission Date: 2011
The City of Stirling has developed a formalised process for targeting speeding on local roads through a holistic approach which focuses on a combination of education, enforcement and engineering. Through the City’s traffic count program and resident correspondence the City is able to identify streets in which to apply this holistic approach. Education The City’s Speed Alert Mobile (SAM) is deployed to identified streets and proposed sites are forwarded to WA Police. Residents who contact the City regarding speeding in their street are encouraged to place bin stickers along their street and handout Community Safe Speed promise brochures in their street. Engineering The City of Stirling evaluates identified streets through a ‘Traffic Management Warrants Policy.’ This policy uses a number of different factors; including recorded traffic count data, with speed and traffic volumes, crash history, road design and road users to assess the need for traffic management measures on local roads in a prioritised manner. Targeted Enforcement The City provides WA Police with data to target dangerous and reckless driving when and where it happens. Through analysing traffic count data the City is able to provide the Police with traffic volumes and the 85th percentile but a key feature is providing specific information on the number of speeding motorists at various times of the day. The City also collects data on dangerous driving through an online hoon report form designed to be directly imported into the WA Police computer systems to help identify trends in hoon related behaviour.