The use of protective clothing by motorcyclists in Victoria: Evaluation of the Community Policing and Education Project.
Keywords: Motorcyclists
Submission Date: 2012 Conference: ACRS
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The Community Policing and Education Project was launched by VicRoads and Victoria Police in 2009 to reduce the likelihood of motorcycle crashes through a combination of enforcement and education countermeasures. The Centre for Automotive Safety Research at the University of Adelaide was chosen to evaluate the effectiveness of the Project. Methods used to evaluate the Project included a process evaluation, analysis of crash data, on-road speed surveys, an online survey of motorcyclists, and roadside traffic observation. This paper provides an account of the roadside traffic observations, which were focused on helmet use, headlight use, use of protective clothing, and rider conspicuity. The roadside observations in metropolitan Melbourne revealed an apparent effect of the Project, with observed increases in the use of full body protection by motorcyclists following an educational operation targeting commuting riders. Across the three surveys, this proportion increased from 17 (before the operation) to 24 (just after the operation) to 38 per cent (three weeks after the operation). Improvement was most marked among riders of sports and standard/naked motorcycles but is still needed among riders of cruisers and scooters.