Making Evidence-based Crash Risk Estimation Routine by using the SESA Process
Keywords: Safe Systems and Transpoart Planning, Safe System & Transport Planning, Intersections and Roundabouts, Road Design, Safe Systems and Transport Planning, Crash Avoidance and Crash Severity Reduction, Intersections, Risk Assessment, Design of Safer Roads, Roundabouts & High-Risk Curves, Risk Evaluation and Treatment, Safe Systems & Transport Planning, New Technologies in Road Safety, Safer Roads, Research, Road Environment
ACRS, DOI:10.33492/JRS-D-19-00125,
Submission Date: February 27, 2020 Journal
Suggested Citation: Turner, S., Durdin, P. and Mani, S. (2020). “Making Evidence-based Crash Risk Estimation Routine by using the SESA Process”. Journal of Road Safety, 31(1), 40-50.