Traffic Crash Experience of a Cohort of Young Queenslanders in the last decade of the twentieth century.
Keywords: General
Submission Date: 2001
It is the aim of this paper to estimate the age-specific and cumulative risk with age to teenaged and young adult Queenslanders of involvement in a traffic crash, and in particular of being injured in such a crash. Crashes with only property damage have been largely ignored since they are notorious subject to under-reporting by those concerned, even if the circumstances and amount of damage make them legally reportable. Two approaches have been used, the first by following the crash fortunes to age 25 years of a cohort of school students enrolled in 1988 and 1989 to the end of the year 2000; the second estimates crash rates cross-sectionally from 1992 to 2000 for Queensland residents of the same ages as the bulk of the school cohort in those years.