Utilising the driver behaviour questionnaire in an Australian organisational fleet setting: Are modifications required?
Keywords: General
Submission Date: 2006 Journal
This study reports on the utilisation of an adapted Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) to examine the selfreported driving experiences of a group of Australian fleet drivers (N = 443). Surveys were posted to participants who agreed to participate in the study. While exploratory and oblimin factor analysis did not produce clear factor loadings, a three factor solution, using parallel analysis, was obtained that supports previous research demonstrating the distinction between different driving conduct (e.g., errors, highway code violations and aggressive driving violations). The questionnaire appeared to remain psychometrically robust despite minor word modifications to reflect the Australian driving environment. However, a larger number of items traditionally related with highway code violations were found to be associated with aggressive driving acts among the current sample. Further analysis exploring factors associated with self reported traffic violations revealed that DBQ factors were negatively related with aberrant driving behaviours, although at a multivariate level only the number of kilometres driven each year (e.g., exposure) proved to be predictive of incurring fines/demerit points. Taken together, the results indicate that the DBQ can be successfully implemented within an Australian fleet setting to examine professional drivers’ behaviour(s).