Work-related driving and driver distraction: Using the Haddon matrix to identify and manage the distractions.
Keywords: Driver Risk & Behaviour
Submission Date: 2005 Conference: ACRS
Fleet and work-related road safety has grown in prominence in recent years as the scale of the problem has emerged. This includes people involved in crashes as pedestrians when they are commuting to and from work, or walking on work-related errands, people involved in crashes whilst working by the roadside, or driving as part of their work, either in their own vehicle or a vehicle provided by their employer (STAYSAFE 36, 1997; STAYSAFE 57, 2002).
This paper looks at why work-related road safety is important in Australia, and introduces the Haddon Matrix as a tool to identify and manage the distractions faced by people driving as part of their work. It is intended as a discussion paper to provoke and widen the debate on driver distraction beyond the vehicle and the driver.