Keywords: Speeding
Submission Date: 2000
The WSROC (Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils) "Speed You Lose" campaign has been running for over 4 years in Western Sydney and has utilised a number of effective education strategies to reach the target audience. The campaign is a result of the joint activities of the Road Safety Officers in the affiliated councils.
The objectives of the project (Phase 1-5) are to:
– Reduce death and injury caused by speeding in identified locations in each LGA.
– Reduce the number of speeding infringements in each LGA
– Raise awareness of the consequences of speeding
– Decrease the social acceptability of speeding
– Put speeding on the youth and broader community agenda
Strategies used over the four years include voxpop radio ads, press ads, national media coverage, hot air balloon, banners, t-shirts, stickers, cinema advertising, pizza deliveries, displays in pubs and more.
In phase 5 the WSROC Councils joined forces with the local police. Using speed monitoring equipment, accident and speed blackspots were targeted. Drivers saw visual radar displays at the kerbside displaying the driver?s speed as they pass. This was followed up by police enforcement within the next couple of days. Pre, during and post project data was obtained from traffic/speed counts at each site. Special stickers with the project slogan were produced to be placed on the side of wheelie bins.
Each phase of the project has evaluated well. The project continues to be sustainable in the long term and therefore has a high profile in the community.