A new model for developing and deliveringcommunity road safety programs in Victoria.
Keywords: Community
Submission Date: 2011 Conference: ACRS
Introduction: VicRoads in partnership with government agencies, organisations and community members have developed a new model for the development and delivery of community road safety programs in Victoria, namely the Victorian Community Road Safety Partnership Program (the Program).
The Program uses a two tiered structure comprising of a Victorian Community Road Safety Alliance (the Alliance) and a network of registered Local and Statewide Community Road Safety Groups.
The Alliance comprises community members from across Victoria as well as representatives of government departments and statutory bodies that have an interest either directly or indirectly in road safety. Importantly, the composition of the Alliance will help ensure that decisions made by the Alliance reflect community interests and are consistent with Statewide priorities.
Following an expression of interest process, 48 local community groups have been registered as Local and Statewide Community Road Safety Groups with responsibility for developing and implementing effective community road safety programs which address local priorities. The program enables a broader and diverse range of participation and community engagement.
Methods: Extensive stakeholder and community engagement was undertaken to inform the development of the new model along with a series of literature review to identify best practice principles and approaches for community road safety.
Results: The paper will outline the process for the development of the new model, status of implementation, challenges and opportunities as well as a framework for evaluating the Program.
Conclusions: The new Victorian Community Road Safety Partnership Program seeks to increase the engagement and breadth of involvement of the Victorian community in addressing road safety issues.