A systematic review of how anti-speeding advertisements are evaluated.
Keywords: Communication
Submission Date: 2011 Journal
A systematic review of the methodologies used to empirically evaluate anti-speeding advertisements was conducted, and the advantages and limitations of these methods consolidated. Of the 28 studies that met the inclusion criteria, approximately equal proportions employed experimental (57%) and observational (43%] evaluation approaches. While the majority of observational evaluations of anti-speeding advertisements (N = 8, 29% of total evaluations) examined changes to direct measures of speeding (e.g., crash statistics, speeding infringements or on-road driving speeds), the majority of experimental evaluations (N = 12, 43% of total evaluations) relied on indirect measures of speeding behaviour (e.g., self reported anti-speeding attitudes, intentions, and behaviour). The current review presents the strengths and limitations of previous evaluation approaches, with a particular focus on study design, outcome measures, and advertisement manipulations.