ANCIS progress report, July 2003
Keywords: Crashes - Analysis
Submission Date: 2003
ANCIS (Australian National Crash In Depth Study) has been running for over three years, with over 300 cases collected to date in Victoria and NSW. Participants of this retrospective study have been hospitalised as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle crash, where the vehicle in which they were travelling was no more than 10 years old. Data relating to the participant?s recall of crash events is collected via a structured interview, their medical records examined, the vehicle inspected and photographed and the crash site inspected in detail. A best evidence synthesis approach is utilised to determine the crash circumstances, occupant injury causation and potential contributing factors to the crash.
Across all crash types, 67% of participants suffered a chest injury, with 44% being AIS2+. Approximately two thirds received injuries to the upper or lower extremities respectively, but only between 28% and 42% were AIS2+. Head injuries were found in 39% of participants and 22% were AIS2+. Information relating to the types of injuries suffered in frontal impacts, side impacts (both struck and non-struck), rear and rollover crashes is presented.
ANCIS is unique in that study sponsors from such varied backgrounds as the automobile industry, state and federal governments, automobile clubs and road designers are collaborating successfully. This study offers a more detailed set of vehicle crash data for analysis and intervention than is available in mass data, helping researchers to develop a better understanding of the effectiveness of the safety of modern vehicles.