Arrive OnLine – A web based road safety and injury prevention resource
Keywords: Education
Submission Date: 2005
The overwhelming representation of young drivers involved in fatal and injury accidents throughout Western Sydney provided the impetus for a new, ?out of the box? approach to road safety.
Research undertaken with young people indicated that current and existing road safety strategies work to some extent, but their sustainability or interest potential is limited. Their reach tends to be short-term with limited capacity to engage the target group.
Focus group discussions showed that for younger age group (13 to 17 years) an internet based learning tool would be of great value. The older age group (18-25 years) an internet resource would probably not be a tool they would access. Once a license has been attained, young people over 18 years tend not to be amenable to further information about driving and safety.
The Arrive OnLine project is the world?s first scenario based internet accessed resource that has the potential to provide the user with a random collection of road-based experiences under various pre-programmed circumstances. Thereafter, a multitude of variables can occur where the decisions made from reacting to random occurrences determines their ability to arrive at the end of their journey. AOL offers a sustainable long-term option for the delivery of road safety information accessible to young people world wide.