Arriyadh Traffic Safety Strategy
Keywords: Strategy Related
Submission Date: 2007
Saudi Arabia, in common with many countries throughout the Middle East,
has a serious road accident problem. Compared with other countries in the
region road accident fatality rates and risk levels are high and year on year,
road deaths continue to increase.
Road accidents in the city of Arriyadh reflect the national picture and are a
major and growing problem. Indeed about 30 per cent of accidents occurring
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia happen within the city limits and, despite its
urban environment, it still has about a quarter of all road accident casualties
and more than 21 per cent of the country?s fatalities. It is worth noting in
particular that pedestrians constitute 30% of road accident fatalities in the city;
about 30% (24,900) of drivers involved in accidents are under 18 years of
age; and speeding is the most frequent driving law violation.