Corporate road safety: an opportunity to reduce the road toll through integrated research, policy and practice.
Keywords: Work Related Road Safety
Submission Date: 2013 Conference: ACRS
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Internationally, few governments have explored road-safety from an occupational
perspective, although road-use is the biggest traumatic cause of worker fatalities in most westernised countries, and an increasing risk in many others.
Work-driving policy is poorly addressed in existing Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) practice. Work-road risk management frequently falls between WHS and work-road safety policy. Considerable opportunity exists to enhance road safety at work if existing mature WHS regimes could be effectively applied by organisations to work-road safety.
Workplace road-safety is gaining recognition in many countries as a viable strategic focus to address a growing road toll. Most existing initiatives are applied on an individual employer basis rather than systematically across industries. The potential workplace integration of road-safety and WHS strategies presents a unique opportunity for significant reductions in both injury-burden and damage costs for organisations, nationally and internationally, whilst also reducing the road toll.