Cost-effective measures to improve crash and injury risk at rural intersections
Keywords: Road Environment
Submission Date: 2005
Crashes on rural roads are a major road safety problem, accounting for up to two-thirds of deaths and serious injuries worldwide. Rural intersections, in particular, are dangerous locations, accounting for over 30 percent of these rural crashes. Most collisions at intersections occur in high-speed settings, at intersections that are uncontrolled or controlled by stop or give-way signs, and often on low-volume, single-carriageway roads. This paper provides an overview of a systematic review of international literature, identifies ?best-practice? measures to reduce crash and injury risk at rural intersections and describes cutting-edge strategies and evaluation of infrastructure measures for managing safety at rural intersections. Cost-effective measures include: measures to reduce speed and speeding and the injury consequences, speed perception measures, roundabouts, traffic signals, grade-separation, channelisation, signing to clarify priority, removal of sight distance obstructions, provision of medians, skid-resistant pavements and limited access from side roads and driveways. The paper highlights the need to address key crash problems at rural intersections by developing and implementing a system-wide and comprehensive approach that fundamentally improves the operation and design of these locations.