Delivering results through quality driver training.
Keywords: Driver Licensing & Training
Submission Date: 2009 Journal
It is well understood that road safety is a complex issue. The impact of road trauma places huge social and economic costs to communities across the globe. The World Health Organisation states that over 1.2 million people are killed each year as a result of road crashes [1] and for every death more than 10 people on average are seriously injured. Road crash fatalities in Australia peaked in 1970 with 3798 killed [2]. Since then the road toll figures have steadily decreased due to a number of initiatives and interventions. These included improved occupant safety, vehicle design rules and enforcement.
However it appears that the national road toll rate has now largely plateaued in recent years. The annual road toll figure in Australia has remained relatively constant at round 1600 people per year. Interestingly, whilst the number of fatalities has decreased overall the number of serious injuries is increasing. This simply means that the improvement in crash survival rates does not reflect a down turn in the crash rates themselves. Governments, police and road authorities have consistently expressed a concern that current road safety activities have also levelled out. In fact there is evidence to suggest that the road toll figures may again start to increase unless new initiatives can be put in place. The World Report suggests that road fatality rates are forecast to increase by 65% by 2020.