Drug Aware Drug Driving Education Campaign – innovative ways to reach the hard to reach
Keywords: Data Analysis
Submission Date: 2011
Drug driving is a problem that is recognised in Western Australia, particularly amongst 20-to-29-year-olds where most drug driving related fatalities occur. Over the last five years the incidence of drugs detected in fatally injured drivers in WA has increased. The Western Australian Taskforce on Drug Abuse recognised the need for on-going public education focusing on drug use and driving, particularly amongst this high-risk, difficult to reach, youth target audience. The Drug Aware Drug Driving Education Campaign was developed to address this need for ongoing public education about the harms associated with drug driving. The project was conducted for the first time in 2000 and has evolved in ensuing years. The primary target group of the campaign is young people aged 17 to 29-years. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness in at-risk drivers of the dangers of driving while under the influence of drugs (other than alcohol) and to discourage risky driver behaviour, and ensure compliance with traffic laws and reduce drug-related road trauma. This presentation will explore the range of innovative and targeted, award winning initiatives that have been developed to communicate effectively with this fast moving and technically discerning target audience, in order to change attitudes, beliefs and behaviours related to drug driving