Emotion and speeding Intention – predicting intention and differences between intenders and non-intenders
Keywords: Speed Research Driver Behaviours/Attitudes
Submission Date: 2012
Speeding behaviour has a direct link to crash involvement and crash severity, and speeding behaviour has been shown to be underpinned by intention to speed. Several researchers have suggested that emotional response facilitates speeding behaviour, although others have suggested that reasons for speeding are based on more practical aspects such as running late for an appointment. The Theory of Planned Behaviour has been applied to a range of road safety knowledge including that for speeding. Therefore this research which included a measure of arousal with TPB measures adds to the existing knowledge about speeding intention. An on-line questionnaire which could be completed anonymously was presented to members of the community through Facebook. One hundred and eighty one respondents aged between 18 and 61 years (M= 30.80, SD = 12.63) were categorised into intenders or non-intenders of speeding 20 kilometres above the posted speed limit. Past speeding behaviour was included. The survey provided both sensitivity and specificity of around 80% in accounting for the prediction of speeding intention which is an excellent result. The components of the TPB and an extended model of the TPB that included past speeding behaviour were analysed to determine the potential predictors of speeding intention for each group. Effect sizes for these differences ranged from 0.32 to 1.43 (Cohen, 1992). Speeding intention is based on an individual?s attitude, perceived behavioural control and sense of arousal. Understanding these individual differences and providing an opportunity to predict speeding intention may facilitate the development of interventions to encourage drivers to slow down.