Exploring the pedestrian crash problem from the perspective of injured pedestrians
Keywords: Pedestrian Safety
Submission Date: 2010
A survey of injured pedestrians conducted by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) explored crash circumstances and pre-crash behaviour from the perspective of pedestrians. The exploratory survey was concerned with two pedestrian groups: pedestrians aged between 16 and 39 years; and pedestrians aged 60 years plus. The sample was drawn from pedestrians injured in crashes in 40, 50 and 60 km/h speed zones in Victoria. Information sought from the pedestrians focused on factors contributing to the crash, and the intentions and relevant actions of the pedestrian and other road users preceding the crash. The survey revealed that injured pedestrians are usually not at fault when crossing at intersections, but mostly at fault when crossing the road mid-block, they are usually injured in familiar locations while on routine journeys. A particularly problematic interaction is that of a vehicle turning right at an intersection, failing to give way to a crossing pedestrian.