Getting influencing the key decision makers in schools down PAT.
Keywords: Education
Submission Date: 2001
The Principals and Traffic (PAT) Project is an innovative strategy currently being implemented in Victoria to encourage schools to include Traffic Safety Education (TSE) in their curriculum. The PAT project is lead by the Victorian Department of Education, Employment and Training (DEET) with significant support from the key road safety agencies.
The PAT project aims to raise TSE awareness of principals in all schools during 2001/2002 by providing targetted presentations by their leading colleagues on the need for TSE, the availability of resources and support for curriculum implementation. The project also allows for the collection of hard data on TSE teaching in schools and feedback on schools' needs. The paper describes and considers the latest findings on the resources developed, methods used to influence principals, the initial outcomes and follow-up requirements. The paper presents how the PAT Project explores new ways to approach schools that result in greater imprimatur to establish sustainable, appropriate TSE within school programs.