Guidelines for setting-up and operation of signalised intersections with red light cameras
Keywords: Enforcement & Penalties
Submission Date: 2003
The literature has produced mixed results on the effectiveness of red light cameras on crashes. Various Australian studies have shown crash reductions varying from 7% to 46%. Different studies also report different results in the crash types that decrease or increase following the installation of cameras. The mixed results reflect methodological problems in the studies and are likely to be associated with a variety of different factors pertaining to the camera and traffic environment. The results also indicate that signals and red light cameras combine to produce an interactive system, which needs to be set up professionally as a whole if it is to perform optimally in terms of safety and efficiency. Thus ARRB Transport Research was commissioned by Austroads to develop ?Guidelines for Setting-up and Operation of Signalised Intersections with Red Light Cameras?. A review of literature from Australia and overseas to summarise current knowledge on the safety impact of red light cameras at traffic signals was undertaken. This was followed by an examination of the red light camera programs throughout Australasia and a comparison of the pattern of crash types at red light camera sites with those for a group of non-camera sites in three jurisdictions. Guidelines for the setting-up and operation of red light cameras were developed from this work. The aim of the Guidelines is for future and existing red light camera programs to operate at a high level of effectiveness in terms of crash reductions and to decrease red light running and crashes resulting from this behaviour. The Guidelines will also be useful for those jurisdictions seeking funding for new red light camera programs.