Horns and hooves on the highway – a collaborative approach to road safety encourages local and regional involvement.
Keywords: Advocacy, Communication and Media, Road Environment, Community
Submission Date: 2018 Conference: ARSC
In the Kimberley region of Western Australia, what started as a discussion about issues associated with stray cattle on roads has grown into an innovative whole-of-region road safety campaign which has been embraced by state and local agencies, communities and special interest groups, members of the community and tourists alike. Launched in February 2016, Horns and Hooves on the Highway is not just a catchy slogan, it is a call to action to raise awareness about one of the biggest road safety concerns in WA’s north – the risks associated with straying cattle on the roads. While it is acknowledged that Main Roads WA and the pastoral industry play key roles, local road safety committees believe their role is to raise awareness of the risks and provide advocacy in bringing stakeholders together to discuss a way forward on the issue.