It’s Crunch-Time for a New National Road Safety Strategy – Report on a Seminar by the Australasian College of Road Safety, NSW (Sydney) Chapter.
Keywords: Misc
Submission Date: 2010 Journal
The current National Road Safety Strategy encompasses a vision of “Safe road use for the whole community”, and a target “to reduce the number of road fatalities per 100,000 population by 40%, from 9.3 in 1999 to no more than 5.6 in 2010”. (1)
The 2009-10 Action Plan (1) accepted the likelihood that the target will not be attained, and acknowledged that serious injuries, as the major component of the total financial cost of road trauma, should be targeted in future.
In response to an invitation by the Federal Minister for Transport (published in the August 2009 Special Edition of the College Journal “Preparing for the National Road Safety Strategic Plan 2011-2020”, for members of the College to put forward their views on “key directions and priorities for Australian road safety over the coming decade”, the NSW (Sydney) Chapter convened a seminar on the subject: “Crunch – Time for a new National Road Safety Strategy”. This paper presents a summary of the proceedings of the seminar, which was held in Sydney on December 9th 2009