L2P – learner driver mentor program: extending driver licensing reach in disadvantaged communities
Keywords: Novice Driver Programs
Submission Date: 2012 Conference: ACRS
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There is growing interest in strategies to improve driver licensing rates amongst disadvantaged communities. This is particularly the case where graduated licensing systems are introduced that result in more stringent learner experience and drive test requirements. In Victoria, the state government provides funding through the Transport Accident Commission for the VicRoads L2P – learner driver mentor program. The program is open to all disadvantaged Victorians under 21 who hold a learner permit, including young people from indigenous, culturally diverse and transport disadvantaged backgrounds. It offers supervised driving experience to 1,800 learner drivers per annum, who would otherwise be unable to gain the 120 hours driving experience required under Victoria’s Graduated Licensing System. L2P addresses road safety issues amongst disadvantaged young people through increased compliance with the Graduated Licensing System, attitudinal and behaviour change. The L2P – learner driver mentor program also has potential positive impacts on employment, social connection and psychological wellbeing. The presentation will provide the background and objectives of the program; describe the model and its establishment across Victoria; and detail program performance and evaluation outcomes to date.