Making evidence-based crash analysis as routine as Sidra analysis
Keywords: Intersections and Roundabouts, Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Review
Submission Date: 2019
Achieving safe system or vision zero outcomes at high-risk urban intersections, especially priority cross-roads and high-volume traffic signals is a major challenge for most cities. Even after decades of crash analysis and improvement works many of these intersections still perform poorly. While best practice for optimising the efficiency of intersections requires the use of modelling tools, like Sidra, this is rarely the case with safety analysis. This is despite the large number of evidence-based safety analysis models and tools that are now available to understand intersection crash risk. This paper outlines the SESAP (Site-specific Evidence-based Safety Analysis Process) that has been developed to enable road safety professionals to estimate and predict the safety of intersections and potential upgrades in New Zealand and Australia.