NSW Road Toll Response Package: Application of the general evaluation framework to the ongoing monitoring of completed road safety engineering projects
Keywords: Strategy & Policy
Submission Date: 2013
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After six consecutive annual reductions, the NSW road toll for 2009 increased by more than 20% on the previous year. To address this rise, the Road Toll Response Package (RTRP) was developed and implemented, comprising several road safety programs within each Safe System pillar that target both immediate road safety benefits and long-term gains. A major component of RTRP is an extensive program of road engineering treatments. Traditionally, road safety evaluation is conducted at a singular program level. For RTRP, a multi-tiered approach was adopted to fully account for the diversity and complexity of the suite of RTRP programs. A general framework was developed to provide a consistent evaluation approach for RTRP as a whole, and was used to develop program-level evaluation approaches for specific RTRP program streams. Individual initiatives within each program stream are then evaluated in line with each program-level evaluation approach, ensuring alignment of program objectives with the overall aim of reducing the road toll as well as broader strategic aims. This paper presents the RTRP General Evaluation Framework, the specific evaluation framework for the RTRP Engineering Works program, and preliminary findings from annual monitoring of completed engineering projects as at October 2012. Based on 26 completed projects, there have been 12 casualty crashes (resulting in 13 injuries) approximately one year after implementation, compared to 21 casualty crashes (resulting in one fatality and 22 injuries) before implementation. While findings are encouraging, further work is required to rigorously evaluate the RTRP Engineering Works program according to evaluation framework parameters.