Older driver resilience levels and self-reported driving-related abilities, perceptions, and practices over five years
Keywords: Driver Psychology, Older Drivers & Road Users
Submission Date: 2019
This study investigated resilience scores for drivers aged 75 years and older at two points in time, approximately five years apart (Time 1: Male: 67.2%; Mean age=81.6 years, SD=3.3, Range=76.0-90.0; Time 2: Male: 67.1%, Mean age=85.3 years, SD=3.0, Range=81.0-94.0). Participants completed a range of self-reported driving-related questionnaires and a resilience scale. Data for a subset of 125 Ozcandrive participants completing the resilience scale at both Time 1 and Time 2 were analysed. Results show a significant increase in resilience across the two time points, and increasing strength of associations between resilience and self-reported driving-related abilities, perceptions, and practices.