Overcoming methodological issues in a systems approach to the analysis of motorcycle crash data
Keywords: Statistical, Epidemiology and Other Road Safety Research Methods, Crash Data Analysis, Motorcyclists
Submission Date: 2018 Conference: ARSC
Motorcyclists represent an increasing proportion of road casualties however, while the risk factors associated with crashes can be established, less is known about the precipitating factors that directly result in a crash. Analysis of crash data based on crash type and key vehicle identifies distinct differences in the patterns of error by riders in single-vehicle motorcycle crashes, and by riders compared to drivers in multi-vehicle crashes. These patterns also vary by rider age group and provide potentially valuable information that may be obscured when the data is aggregated. Crash risk rates are also calculated using registration data as a proxy for the active riding population. This is proposed as an alternative framework for the analysis of motorcycle crashes to inform a systems approach to targeted countermeasures.