Sources of data on occupational road safety: an international review
Keywords: Workplace
Submission Date: 2008
Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of occupational fatalities. This research provides a multi-nation review of: occupational crash data sources; integration of occupational road safety into government agency priorities; and public and private sector initiatives to reduce crashes.
Informants in 15 nations provided information on data systems for recording and reporting occupational crashes, which was supplemented by discussions with government and industry experts, and a review of literature and crash statistics.
The research concluded that definitions for work-related crashes varied across nations. Because roadway crashes do not always fall within the jurisdiction of occupational safety and health (OSH) agencies, OSH data can exclude on-road driving incidents in some countries. Further, data systems maintained by transport agencies may not identify crashes as work-related. Uniform standards to facilitate data sharing within and between countries are lacking. For data sources such as workers? compensation, coroner records, and hospital admissions, linkages with OSH or transport-based data are limited.
Several recommendations are made including the need for: better linkages via common case definitions, coding, and interagency collaboration; OSH agencies to increase data capture and make road safety a policy priority, with governments leading by example in effectively managing their own vehicles and drivers; and more rigorously evaluated, accessible, case studies to be conducted and disseminated.