Using child restraints video series: reaching culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Keywords: Education
Submission Date: 2014
RACV and TAC jointly produced a video series to help parents use their child restraints correctly. The aim was to assist parents in understanding the importance of properly fitting and adjusting rearward and forward facing child restraints, and booster seats. The series is designed to encourage and motivate parents to be aware of common mistakes and how to make regular checks. Since November 2013, they have received over 7,000 views. After developing the series in English, it was identified that there was a need to provide these videos to CALD communities. Previous research showed a need for the development of clear and specific messages regarding child restraints for new arrivals and it was found that people from less motorised societies were more likely to have poorer compliance with child restraint laws. Furthermore, a brief survey of new migrants revealed approximately 26% of respondents reported they did not always use a child restraint for a child under 7 years of age. Based on this need, the video series was translated in to Arabic, Cambodian, Dari, Karen, Persian and Somali for new migrants with young children. The videos are available on DVD and online, and have been widely promoted to early learning centres including family day care, primary schools, multicultural centres and stakeholders.