What can riders tell us about motorcycle rider training? A view from the other side of the fence
Keywords: Motorcyclists
Submission Date: 2007
Past research has found little empirical support for the effectiveness of motorcycle rider
training as a road safety countermeasure. Arguably, one potential reason for this lack of effect
is that conventional/current training processes do not typically facilitate effective levels of
learning in trainees. Within the broader adult education literature there has been an
overwhelming shift towards learner-centred (or student-focused) approaches to teaching and
training in recent years. However, to date there have been no studies published that have
specifically explored how riders learn during training. This qualitative study explored
motorcycle riders? (n=40) experiences of licence training with reference to adult learning
issues such as learning styles and motives for training. Additionally, riders? subsequent on-
road experiences were reconciled with the information learnt during training. Results are
discussed in terms of how motorcycle training should be underpinned by accepted adult
learning principles and the influence that the licensing system may have on learning