In this issue: May 2013 Vol 24 No 2
May 21, 2013
Special Issue – 2nd Anniversary of UN Decade of Action
Peer-reviewed papers
Associations between helmet use and brain injuries amongst injured pedal- and motor-cyclists: A case series analysis of trauma centre presentations
Associations between helmet use and brain injuries amongst injured pedal- and motor-cyclists: A case series analysis of trauma centre presentations -
Indigenous road safety in Australia and the “Drivesafe NT Remote” Project
Indigenous road safety in Australia and the “Drivesafe NT Remote” Project -
Development of an integrated road safety management system in Indonesia: Traffic police as lead agents in a Safe System approach
Development of an integrated road safety management system in Indonesia: Traffic police as lead agents in a Safe System approach -
What are the offence and offender risk factors for Indigenous repeat drink drivers in Queensland?
What are the offence and offender risk factors for Indigenous repeat drink drivers in Queensland?
Contributed articles
UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
UN Decade of Action for Road Safety -
Implementing a successful global driver safety program: The Pfizer case
Implementing a successful global driver safety program: The Pfizer case -
Subsidising unsafe road use
Subsidising unsafe road use -
New iPhone app aimed at reducing youth road toll
New iPhone app aimed at reducing youth road toll -
Mastering the art of risk assessment
Mastering the art of risk assessment