In this issue: Nov 2015 Vol 26 No 4
November 20, 2015
Special Issue: Taking Action Together – ARSC2015 Conference
Peer-reviewed papers
- Building new partnerships to improve road safety risk
Building new partnerships to improve road safety risk - Drink driving among Indigenous people in Far North Queensland and Northern New South Wales: A summary of the qualitative findings
Drink driving among Indigenous people in Far North Queensland and Northern New South Wales: A summary of the qualitative findings - Building community capacity for road safety – Are we doing it?
Building community capacity for road safety – Are we doing it? - An analysis of driver behaviour through rural curves: Exploratory results on driver speed
An analysis of driver behaviour through rural curves: Exploratory results on driver speed
Contributed articles
- How a diamond made trucks glow in the dark
How a diamond made trucks glow in the dark - Study of current factors affecting road safety for 16-18 year old novice drivers in the Wingecarribee Shire
Study of current factors affecting road safety for 16 – 18 year old novice drivers in the Wingecarribee Shire - Developing a new index for comparing road safety maturity: Case study of the ASEAN community
Developing a new index for comparing road safety maturity: case study of the ASEAN community - Enhancing South Australia’s Graduated Licensing Scheme through road safety partnerships and a strong evidence base
Enhancing South Australia’s Graduated Licensing Scheme through road safety partnerships and a strong evidence-base - Expanding the Victorian Alcohol Interlock Program to all convicted drink-drivers
Expanding the Victorian Alcohol Interlock Program to all convicted drink-drivers - Tracking serious injury to improve road safety
Tracking serious injury to improve road safety