Evaluation of Perceptual Countermeasure Treatments
Keywords: Road Environment
Submission Date: 2002
Perceptual countermeasures is a term given to a class of road treatments which are intended to induce drivers to reduce travel speeds by altering driver perception of speed, risk or comfort. They are generally low cost treatments which rely on painted markings or other forms of delineation.
ARRB Transport Research, in conjunction with the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC), trialed two perceptual countermeasure treatments for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) in association with the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW and VicRoads. The trials marked the final of a four phase project investigating perceptual countermeasure treatments and their applicability in Australia. Based on the findings of a comprehensive literature review and simulation studies, two perceptual countermeasure treatments were selected for trial. The first treatment consists of enhanced lateral guide post spacing with ascending heights around a curve. The second treatment is a peripheral transverse line (occurring on the edges but not in the centre of the travelling lane), placed at regular intervals over 400m on the approach to an intersection. Each treatment has been trialed in Victoria and New South Wales. In Victoria, the treatments were also investigated during night time driving conditions.