Operation Countdown 'Driving the road safety message home'
Keywords: Communication
Submission Date: 2007
The Operation Countdown interactive multimedia bus, aims to spread the
word about safe driving habits and reducing the state?s road toll, to drivers of
all ages.
The 12-metre Mercedes Benz bus has been transformed into a travelling bill
board for road safety. It is decorated with eye catching road safety images
and has an external DVD-linked plasma screen.
The mobile display vehicle is a valuable tool enabling Road Safety
Awareness Unit members to deliver road safety presentations to audiences
outside the Mobile Multi-Media Display Vehicle (MMDV).
Inside, the bus has another plasma screen and four information kiosks
coupled to computers and LCD touch screens ? all projecting road safety
messages. The bus also features a static display, exploring the human,
vehicle and environmental factors of road trauma.
?Our aim is to make people aware of some of the dangers they face when
they are behind the wheel or as ordinary road users,?
?We hope that they will leave the bus with a better understanding of road
safety issues and with a much higher level of road safety awareness.?