Keywords: Education
Submission Date: 2002
In 1995 when Transport SA decided to embark on the Safe Routes to School program it was realised that there was no road safety curriculum resource to implement the education component of the program. This meant that there had not been a focus on road safety in schools for many years. In fact, this became the starting point in implementing road safety in schools.
As a consequence Transport SA developed the road safety curriculum resource, Road Ready, a training program for Road Ready, support for teachers, parent information sheets and classroom support materials. Although Safe Routes to School has been a good program to implement the teaching of road safety in schools, there is considerable support and follow up work required by Transport SA to ensure it happens. There are many barriers and expectations from schools that also need to be addressed.
Schools not in the Safe Routes to School program who have discovered Road Ready have also requested support from Transport SA to implement road safety into their teaching programs.
Transport SA has also needed to take the lead role in road safety education in schools as the state?s education department declared this was not its role.